Anika Hochstenbach (2000)
Working and living in Dordrecht
Board member of Teekengenootschap Pictura
Junior gallery-assistent at Tinimini Room, Dordrecht
Part of the art duo 'Stoeptroep'
Bachelor fine arts at AKV St. Joost, Breda (2017-2021)
Minor 'Meesterwerken in de westerse cultuur' at Hogeschool Utrecht (2019-2020)
Upcoming activities:
'Kreukelzone', with Robin Speijer/ Galerie Niek Waterbolk, Utrecht (May 2025)
'Mythic Manifest'/ Gallery Love Waxes Cold/ Londen (June 2025)
Selected group exhibitions:
'Out of Nature'/ De Kunstkerk/ Dordrecht (2024)
Salon der Leden: 'Binnen- en Buitensalon/ Pictura/ Dordrecht (2024)
'Passengers between two seas'/ Varna, Bulgarije (2024)
'Alles in de wind'/ Galerie Waterbolk/ Utrecht (2024)
'Alone together'/ OX.Space/ Rotterdam (2023)
'Un/Settled'/ door Fuse/ TROEF/ Leiden (2023)
Murf/Murw festival/ BSO Monopole/ Tilburg (2023)
Kunstmanivestatie 'ManiVesta'/ Botersteeg 10/ Gorinchem (2023)
'Het lichaam wil ook eens wat' / De Meerse/ Hoofddorp (2023)
'Salon des Refusés' / Stichting IDFX/ Breda (2023)
'Offline Exhibition'/ Tinimini Room/ Dordrecht (2022)
'IMAGINING the possibilities of life in future LANDSCAPES'/ Kunstpodium T/ Tilburg (2022)
'Kersvers'/ Teekengenootschap Pictura/ Dordrecht (2021)
'The Nowshow' graduation show/ St. Joost/ Breda (2021)
Shop window exposition/ Showroom MAMA/ Rotterdam (2021)
Songbirds 078, collaboration with Lotte Koppens/ Tiny Houses project/ Dordrecht (2020)
'Steal Like an Artist'/ Kunstpodium T/ Tilburg (2020)
Other experiences:
Residency at CloverMill/ Giessenburg (2024)
Co-curator with Tjarco van Raalte of 'Out of Nature'/ De Kunstkerk/ Dordrecht (2024)
Coordinator of the 'Ramenroute'/ The Big Draw/ Dordrecht (2024)
Residency at Arteles/ Hahmajärventie, Finland (2024)
Curator of 'Borrelende Benen'/ BUT Film Festival/ Breda (2023)
Painting and drawing Teacher at ToBe/ Dordrecht (2022-2023)
Co-Curator with Jennifer Smith of 'Blushing Flesh'/ Tinimini Room/ Dordrecht (2023)
Co-Curator with Doris Kolpa of 'Figure It Out'/ Teekengenootschap Pictura/ Dordrecht (2022)
Co-founder of 'Kersvers' collective (2021-2023)
Internship at Cokkie Snoei, Rotterdam (2020)